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For Patients


  • HTN
  • CHF
  • Obesity
  • Diabetes Type 1 & Type 2
  • Asthma
  • COPD
  • ESRD
  • Other Condition depending on the diagnoses


Daily Check


  1. The patient is provided with a free medical scale, blood pressure monitor, pulse oximeter, vitalograph, glucometer and pulse oximeter depending on patient condition.
  2. The health check happens on daily bases(usually in the morning before consuming any food or liquid) where patient measure weight, blood pressure and additional measurement.
  3. Health- check data is automatically and securely transmitted from the patient to AAA Medical Group.
  4. Nurse reviews the data and outreaches to the patient as needed. The nurse will contact the provider only if there is a concern.

Program Benefits

This program offers daily health check monitoring/ technology. Patient learns how to take control of their health and learn when to contact their physician before condition worsens. This program offers:

  • Daily monitoring (weight, BP, glucose, oxygen level)
  • Self-management (medication adherence)
  • Identify health problems early
  • Healthier quality of life
  • Help avoid visits to the hospital and emergency room

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